This year, most have us have been lucky to have been selected to carry on in the digital class through year 8. We now have 18 brand new, straight out of the box Apple i-Mac flat screen computers. These new computers have a later version in all software and are much easier to use. The computers are spaced out in the class, and there is 1 computer for 2 people, with 7 students having there own individual computer. We have welcomed 3 new class members to our class, Harrison, Jamie & Steven. Mrs Pearson is our teacher again this year and will teach us new I.C.T skills and teach us about the updated, 2009 software. I'm sure 2009 will be a great year with many great experiences and memories to treasure forever.
Goals 2009:
Awards I am working towards to recieve at the end of year prize giving:
Ivan Lloyd Cup for outstanding service
Ganges Singh Trophy for Leadership
The 3 'R's' Trophy for respect, responsibility, resolve
Food Technology
Wild Cup
Pukekohe Netball Trophy
Sports I would like to participate in: